169 research outputs found


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    The difficulty of finding a parking space in public places, especially during peak hours is a problem experienced by drivers. To assist the driver in finding parking space availability, a system is needed to monitor parking availability. One study to detect the availability of parking lots utilizing CCTV. However, research on the availability of parking spaces on CCTV data has several problems, detecting parking slots that are done manually to be inefficient when applied to different parking lots. Also, research to detect the availability of parking lots using the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) method with existing architecture has many parameters. Therefore, this study proposes a system to detect the availability of car parking lots using You Only Look Once (YOLO) V3 for marking the parking space and proposed a new architecture CNN called Lite AlexNet which has few parameters than other methods to speed up the process of detecting parking space availability. The best accuracy of the marking stage using YOLO V3 is 92.31% where the weather was cloudy. For the proposed Lite AlexNet get the best time training average which is 7 second compare to other existing methods and the average accuracy in every condition is 92.33% better than other methods

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pendeteksi Suara Tangisan Bayi

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    Suara tangisan bayi merupakan sebuah tanda dari bayi yang mengalami suatu masalah. Namun, tidak semua orang dapat mengenali arti tangis bayi. Beberapa penelitian tentang deteksi suara tangis bayi sudah dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti, namun saat ini masih belum ada penelitian yang membuat sebuah aplikasi pendeteksi suara tangis bayi berbasis web. Pada penelitian ini, sebuah aplikasi dibuat untuk membantu pengguna mengenali suara tangis bayi berbasis Dunstan Baby Language. Metode yang diterapkan adalah ekstraksi fitur suara tangis bayi dengan algoritma Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC), normalisasi hasil ekstraksi fitur, dan klasifikasi K-nearest Neighbor. Dari berbagai pengujian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa akurasi rata-rata terbaik sebesar 75,95% dapat dicapai ketika menggunakan parameter wintime pada ekstraksi fitur MFCC sebesar 0,08 detik, proporsi data latih 85% dan data uji 15% dari setiap kelas, normalisasi ekstraksi fitur dengan Standard Deviation Normalization, dan klasifikasi K-nearest Neighbor dengan k=1. Pada pengujian aplikasi dengan seluruh data, akurasi rata-rata yang sebesar 96,57% dapat dicapai ketika menggunakan parameter wintime pada ekstraksi fitur MFCC sebesar 0,08 detik, proporsi data latih 85% setiap kelas, normalisasi ekstraksi fitur dengan Standard Deviation Normalization, dan klasifikasi K-nearest Neighbor dengan k=1

    An in-depth performance analysis of the oversampling techniques for high-class imbalanced dataset

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    Class imbalance occurs when the distribution of classes between the majority and the minority classes is not the same. The data on imbalanced classes may vary from mild to severe. The effect of high-class imbalance may affect the overall classification accuracy since the model is most likely to predict most of the data that fall within the majority class.  Such a model will give biased results, and the performance predictions for the minority class often have no impact on the model. The use of the oversampling technique is one way to deal with high-class imbalance, but only a few are used to solve data imbalance. This study aims for an in-depth performance analysis of the oversampling techniques to address the high-class imbalance problem. The addition of the oversampling technique will balance each class’s data to provide unbiased evaluation results in modeling. We compared the performance of Random Oversampling (ROS), ADASYN, SMOTE, and Borderline-SMOTE techniques. All oversampling techniques will be combined with machine learning methods such as Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The test results show that Random Forest with Borderline-SMOTE gives the best value with an accuracy value of 0.9997, 0.9474 precision, 0.8571 recall, 0.9000 F1-score, 0.9388 ROC-AUC, and 0.8581 PRAUC of the overall oversampling technique


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    Facial inpainting or face restoration is a process to reconstruct some missing region on face images such that the inpainting results still can be seen as a realistic and original image without any missing region, in such a way that the observer could not realize whether the inpainting result is a generated or original image. Some of previous researches have done inpainting using generative network, such as Generative Adversarial Network. However, some problems may arise when inpainting algorithm have been done on unaligned face. The inpainting result show spatial inconsistency between the reconstructed region and its adjacent pixel, and the algorithm fail to reconstruct some area of face. Therefore, an improvement method in facial inpainting based on deep-learning is proposed to reduce the effect of the stated problem before, using GAN with additional loss from feature reconstruction and two discriminators. Feature reconstruction loss is a loss obtained by using pretrained network VGG-Net, Evaluation of the result shows that additional loss from feature reconstruction loss and two type of discriminators may help to increase visual quality of inpainting result, with higher PSNR and SSIM than previous result

    Deteksi Objek Menggunakan Metode YOLO dan Implementasinya pada Robot Bawah Air

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    Penelitian ini membahas penggunaan berbagai arsitektur model deep learning dalam mendeteksi objek bawah air seperti gerbang, tiang, bola, dan baskom untuk meningkatkan performa robot dalam eksplorasi bawah air dalam konteks kompetisi SAUVC (Singapore AUV Challenge). Metode yang digunakan adalah YOLO (You Only Look Once) dan menggunakan berbagai jenis YOLOv5, seperti YOLOv5s, YOLOv5m, YOLOv5l, dan YOLOv5x. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa YOLOv5x memiliki rata-rata jarak deteksi terjauh sebesar 6,12 meter dan mAP@[0.5:0.95] paling tinggi yaitu 0,881, namun ukurannya yang besar memerlukan daya komputasi yang tinggi. Di sisi lain, YOLOv5s memiliki ukuran model yang lebih kecil yaitu 14,5 MB, namun tetap memberikan performa yang baik dengan mAP@[0.5:0.95] sebesar 0,872. Berdasarkan temuan ini, YOLOv5s lebih sesuai untuk digunakan dalam mendeteksi objek bawah air pada kompetisi SAUVC karena selain ukurannya yang lebih kecil, YOLOv5s juga memberikan performa yang memadai. Penggunaan model ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja robot dalam eksplorasi bawah air dan membantu dalam menyelesaikan misi yang ditugaskan dalam waktu yang ditentukan

    Multi-parent order crossover mechanism of genetic algorithm for minimizing violation of soft constraint on course timetabling problem

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    A crossover operator is one of the critical procedures in genetic algorithms. It creates a new chromosome from the mating result to an extensive search space. In the course timetabling problem, the quality of the solution is evaluated based on the hard and soft constraints. The hard constraints need to be satisfied without violation while the soft constraints allow violation. In this research, a multi-parent crossover mechanism is used to modify the classical crossover and minimize the violation of soft constraints, in order to produce the right solution. Multi-parent order crossover mechanism tends to produce better chromosome and also prevent the genetic algorithm from being trapped in a local optimum. The experiment with 21 datasets shows that the multi-parent order crossover mechanism provides a better performance and fitness value than the classical with a zero fitness value or no violation occurred. It is noteworthy that the proposed method is effective to produce available course timetabling

    Ultrasound Image Synthetic Generating Using Deep Convolution Generative Adversarial Network For Breast Cancer Identification

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women worldwide; prevention of possible death from breast cancer can be decreased by early identification ultrasound image analysis by classifying ultrasound images into three classes (Normal, Benign, and Malignant), where the dataset used has imbalanced data. Imbalanced data cause the classification system only to recognize the majority class, so it is necessary to handle imbalanced data. In this study, imbalanced data can be handled by implementing the Deep Convolution Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) method as the addition of synthetic images to the training data. The DCGAN method generates synthetic images with feature learning on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), making DCGAN more stable than the basic generative adversarial network method. Synthetic and original images were further classified using the CNN GoogleNet method, which performs well in image classification and with reasonable computation cost. Synthetic ultrasound images were generated using a tuning hyperparameter in the DCGAN method to adjust the input size on GoogleNet for imbalanced data handling. From the experiment result, the implementation of DCGAN-GoogleNet has a higher accuracy in handling imbalanced data than conventional augmentation and other previous research, with an accuracy value reaching 91.61%, which is 1% to 4% higher than the accuracy value in the previous method

    Analysis of Level Team Effectiveness in The Implementation of Scrum Using Evidence-Based Management (Case Study: Company A as A Fintech Industry)

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    In implementing Scrum in Company A, which is a fintech company, there is a Scrum Master who is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of the Scrum team. The Scrum Master of Company A still uses the velocity chart to measure team effectiveness. Still, the use of the velocity chart itself cannot describe the level of responsiveness of the team in delivering products to users. In this study, the applica- tion of EBM is used as a metric to replace the velocity chart in analyzing the level of effectiveness of the Scrum team in Company A. Through FGDs with senior Scrum Masters. The EBM metric was selected to be used in the analysis. The application of EBM is carried out by collecting primary data from each team and secondary data from company data. Data from each team was analyzed and weighted. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness score of each team. Based on these scores, the Scrum Master can determine which team’s process needs to be improved. This research can be used as an illustration for companies that implement Scrum in mea- suring the effectiveness of Scrum teams

    A comparative study of finger vein recognition by using Learning Vector Quantization

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    Abstract¾ This paper presents a comparative study of finger vein recognition using various features with Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) as a classification method. For the purpose of this study, two main features are employed: Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Local Extensive Binary Pattern (LEBP). The other features that formed LEBP features: Local Multilayer Binary Pattern (LmBP) and Local Directional Binary Pattern (LdBP) are also employed. The type of images are also become the base of comparison. The SIFT features will be extracted from two types of images which are grayscale and binary images. The feature that have been extracted become the input for recognition stage. In recognition stage, LVQ classifier is used. LVQ will classify the images into two class which are the recognizable images and non recognizable images. The accuracy, false positive rate (FPR), and true positive rate (TPR) value are used to evaluate the performance of finger vein recognition. The performance result of finger vein recognition becomes the main study for comparison stage. From the experiments result, it can be found which feature is the best for finger vein reconition using LVQ. The performance of finger vein recognition that use SIFT feature from binary images give a slightly better result than uisng LmBP, LdBP, or LEBP feature. The accuracy value could achieve 97,45%, TPR at 0,9000 and FPR at 0,0129. 
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